Saturday, May 28, 2011

Kanebo Freshel Moist Lift Moisture Cleansing Review

佳麗寶 膚蕊 頂級保濕卸粧露
180ml NT330

Formulated with essence ingredients such as adhesive collagen (moisturizing ingredient) and hyaluronic acid (moisturizing ingredient). A cleansing liquid that melts away and removes makeup, pore-clogging dirt and dullness caused by old keratin while maintaining moisture. An oil-free water-based formula that is gentle on the skin and leaves skin moist, and smooth feeling. Easy to use even with wet hands.
- Adhesive collagen (luxurious moisturizing ingredient)
- Hyaluronic acid (luxurious moisturizing ingredient)
- Silk essence (luxurious moisturizing ingredient)
- Yeast extract (keratin softening ingredient)

* Oil free
* Water-based formula

因為只需要卸bb cream所以我的用量都很省。2 pumps is enough for me.

卸妝露的質底不是稀稀、水水的,有點像不會乳化的卸妝油 (笑),比卸妝油還濃稠,沒有味道。
可是塗在臉上真的不覺得油膩!! 超贊
為了測試它的卸妝能力,我都用化妝棉+clarifying toner再抹一遍,結果真的沒有辜負我。

第一次用water based的卸妝品就好喜歡,太開心了!

只不過這產品not available in malaysia,新加坡有,可是很貴,唯有等機會再次到台灣才可以買了 :(

資料來自kanebo sg
For more information, click here

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