Tuesday, March 22, 2011

Hada Labo Tamagohada AHA/BHA Face Wash Review

肌研 卵肌去角質潔面乳

50g RM17.90
130g RM31.90




Inspired by the smoothness and delicateness of an unshelled egg, this "eggquisite" cleanser contains Alpha Hydrocy Acid(AHA) and Beta Hydroxy Acid(BHA) to give clarity, brightness and promote skin cell renewal by preventing dead skin cell buildup. The gentle cleanser lathers into a fine, velvety foam to prevent blemishes and polishes away dullness for a renewed skin every day.

- 添加AHA,BHA等角質軟和成分,煥發美肌新活力;
- 溫和去除黑頭及毛孔內的污垢,改善暗啞及粗糙肌膚,重拾光滑幼嫩的新生肌膚;
- 弱酸性,低刺激性,不含香料,油份及酒精;
- 此產品須配合防曬產品使用; 配合肌研護膚系列其他產品,讓肌膚修護程序更完整。

- Gently exfoliates skin to remove impurities, dirt & oil trapped within pores.
- Polishes away dullness & refines skin's texture for visibly clear, smooth & radiant skin.
- Skin pH balanced. Low irritation.
- Free fo fragrances, mineral oil, alcohol & colorant.
- This product should be used with a sunscreen product.

- 每日早晚,取適應於手中,用水揉搓至起泡,均勻塗於面部;
- 右手輕輕打圈按摩,然後用溫水充分洗淨。

- Use twice a day. Squeeze sufficient amount onto your palm. Lather with water and massage onto face, using gentle circular motions. Rinse thoroughly with lukewarm water.

用量20 cents的分量就可以起蠻多泡泡 *比起ettusais soap,hada labo的泡泡沒有那麼濃密
可是,洗完臉之後好乾淨好舒服!!! 喜歡

因為之前在用ettusais soap,所以容易比較
洗後我才發覺之前用ettusais soap,臉稍微有一點點緊繃。用卵肌這款完全沒有這感覺

總結還蠻喜歡的 會回購

資料來自hada labo malaysia
For more information, click here

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